
Welcome to N!tmod Bug Tracker.
IDSummaryOperating SystemCategoryOpened by  ascSeverityStatusLast Edited
75Covert Ops loose all XP from classAll / UndefinedUndefinedaimeXLowUnconfirmed2017-06-15 Task Description [Environment] Mod version: N!tmod 2.3.1 Build Date (!about cmd): Apr 3 2015 Map: All Maps Omni-Bot enabled ?: Yes Gametype: Map Voting (6) Any custom mapscripts ? If yes, attach/provide link: Just regular railgun bug fix, fueldump bridge, Any LUA modules ? If yes, attach/provide link: Autopromo Happens during Warmup/Playing/Intermission ?: On all gametypes [Bug] Explain the bug : Sometimes when covert ops reach full class xp, all xp in this class are resetet. This bug has already occurred on several maps and we dont know whats the reason for that. [Extra infos] Is there anything else we need to know?: No
76KD cound on HUD doesnt reflect Kills after player is de...All / UndefinedClientaimeXLowUnconfirmed2020-12-14 Task Description [Environment] Mod version: `2.3.1 Build Date (!about cmd): April 3rd 2015 Map: All Maps [Bug] Explain the bug : Very small matter. but KD cound on HUD doesnt reflect Kills after player is dead. I.e. If you send a grenade or arty and die. any kills that happen within the time of death and the next spwan are not counted for the user HUD. Server scores are still correct. just the HUD [Extra infos] batata reporting this. As the email code sending is not allowing me to report this. (Is there a bug tracker for the bug tracker?)
77KD cound on HUD doesnt reflect Kills after player is de...All / UndefinedClientaimeXLowUnconfirmed2020-12-14 Task Description [Environment] Mod version: 2.3.1 Build Date (!about cmd): April 3rd 2015 Map: All maps [Bug] Explain the bug : KD cound on HUD doesnt reflect Kills after player is dead. IE. If the user is killed after throwing a grenade or Arty the HUD scores are not reflected as such. Server scores are correct though. [Extra infos] Batata reporting this as the Bug tracker login is falling over on the email code sending phase.
79Spawn time by mapAll / UndefinedServerJabbaCriticalUnconfirmed2021-01-07 Task Description Je vois que tu es de nouveau actif (bonne année), donc je te soumets ma problématique. Actuellement, tu peux définir les temps de spawn manuellement avec ces variables : //Allied team respawn time in milliseconds set g_userAlliedRespawnTime "15" //Allied team respawn time in milliseconds set g_userAxisRespawnTime "15" Cependant, cela déséquilibre beaucoup de maps (toutes en fait..) qui deviennent impossible à jouer/gagner en attaque. Il faudrait que ce temps de spawn soit modulable par carte. J'ai pensé à utilisé le système d'autoexec par carte, en y renseignant les différent temps variables. Mais cela ne fonctionne pas. Le format du nom du fichier d'autoexec par map est le suivant : autoexec_[NOM_DU_FICHIER_MAP_PK3].cfg Exemple : autoexec_caen2.cfg = execute automatiquement cette cfg au lancement de la map caen2.pk3 Ce système fonctionne côté client, je ne sais pas si ce serait applicable sur le serveur.. Mais ce serait vraiment bien. Merci.
71Pb custo hudAll / UndefinedUndefinedJabbaLowUnconfirmed2016-08-23 Task Description [Environment] Mod version: 2.3.1 [Bug] Explain the bug : comment cacher certaines info du HUD depuis le lecteur de demo (replay video) ? Cf capture ci-jointe, je souhaite cacher les zones encadré en rouge. J'arrive plus ou moins à les masquer pendant le jeu, mais pas pendant la lecture de demo. Le cg_draw2D à 0 n'est pas une bonne solution (cela masque la lunette du sniper etc)
74Pb cg_drawtimeAll / UndefinedUndefinedJabbaLowUnconfirmed2016-08-23 Task Description [Environment] Mod version: 2.3.1 [Bug] Explain the bug : cg_drawtime semble etre automatiquement forcé à 1 au chargement de nitmod
7Misc Deathmatch glitchesAll / UndefinedClientRaviMediumNew2015-01-04 Task Description * N!tmod version : 2.0 * Map : All * Omni-Bot running : Yes * Gametype : 8 * Custom mapscripts : Deathmatch scripts * LUA modules : N/A * Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing I have posted a bunch of bugs together because I didn't see the need for a new topic. Here they are: 1.After killing someone, player health is increased by 20, or set to 112 if it would otherwise exceed this value. However, the max health for medics is 125. Everytime they kill someone with full health, they lose 10 health. 2.There is also a glitch with weapon drops. If a player is killed after picking any primary weapon and an mp40 is in their inventory, they will drop an mp40. 3.Player health does not increase after killing someone if they have killed that person with poison.
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