29 | Server crashes sometimes | Linux | Server | aimeX | Critical | Closed | 2011-11-07 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : nitmod 2.0 Sep 17 2010 Enemy Territory, ET 2.60
* Map : : all standard maps
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 4 (Campaign)
* Custom mapscripts : none
* LUA modules : none
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the bug occurs : I have the following entry in the crash.log:
1949:05 -88-
1949:05 Version: nitmod 2.0 Sep 17 2010 Enemy Territory, ET 2.60
1949:05 Map: battery
1949:05 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
1949:05 Siginfo: 0xffce5fec
1949:05 Code: 1
1949:05 Faulting Memory Ref/Instruction: 0x8
1949:05 DSO Information:
1949:05 0xf7777000 (unknown)
1949:05 0xf7764000 /lib32/libdl.so.2
1949:05 0xf7740000 /lib32/libm.so.6
1949:05 0xf75ee000 /lib32/libc.so.6
1949:05 0xf7776000 /lib/ld-linux.so.2
1949:05 0xefd57000 /lib32/libnss_compat.so.2
1949:05 0xefd3f000 /lib32/libnsl.so.1
1949:05 0xefd35000 /lib32/libnss_nis.so.2
1949:05 0xefd2a000 /lib32/libnss_files.so.2
1949:05 0xefa09000 /home/xxandi/server/rtcwet1/pb/pbsv.so
1949:05 0xebe4e000 /lib32/librt.so.1
1949:05 0xebe37000 /lib32/libpthread.so.0
1949:05 0xebe31000 /lib32/libnss_dns.so.2
1949:05 0xebe1e000 /lib32/libresolv.so.2
1949:05 0xebf52000 /home/xxandi/server/rtcwet1/nitmod/qagame.mp.i386.so
1949:05 0xebe64000 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6
1949:05 0xebe57000 /usr/lib32/libgcc_s.so.1
1949:05 0xeba3d000 /home/xxandi/server/rtcwet1/omni-bot/omnibot_et.so
1949:05 Stack frames: 0 entries
1949:05 Backtrace:
1949:05 -88- |
28 | Each player who connect will registered in shrubbot.cfg ... | Linux | Server | aimeX | High | Closed | 2011-01-28 |
Task Description
Each player who connectet the server will registered in shrubbot.cfg as [admin]. normally it is so registered unless you have obtained at least level 1.
* N!tmod version : nitmod 2.0 Sep 17 2010 Enemy Territory, ET 2.60
* Map : all standard maps
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 4 (Campaign)
* Custom mapscripts : -
* LUA modules : -
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : -
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the bug occurs : |
27 | MORTAR CAM | Linux | Server | Dustin Seehaver | Medium | Closed | 2011-11-07 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary ! MORTAR CAM DOESNT DISAPPEAR
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : sw_oasis_b3
* Omni-Bot running : 0.81
* Gametype : 7 TDM
* Custom mapscripts : None cant get em to work
* LUA modules : dynamite counter and rules
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : warmup is 30 intermission is 30 with a ready percent of 35
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the bug occurs : once a player uses the mortar the cam will work once or twice them it quits working all together and stays on 24/7 |
26 | tripmine kill dosent count in the XP | All / Undefined | Client | My | Low | Closed | 2010-12-23 |
Task Description
* N!tmod version : Nitmod public testserver, today
I used tripmines many times, but the kills dosent showed on my xp and the skills also not groved.
F.e. If you kill somebody with mp40 your get +3 xp point and your light weapon skill also growing with 3 points.
So what have to fixing? If you kill somebody with tripmine your xp growing and also your engi skill also growing. |
25 | Tripmine can be destroyed by teammate | All / Undefined | Server | Adrian | Medium | Closed | 2010-12-23 |
Task Description
Bug was found on N!tmod test server so I can't specify these things.
* N!tmod version: 2.1 beta 2
* Bug specification: On the N!tmod test server there is disabled FF and also command which makes that your teammates can NOT destroy your mines by stepping on them is enabled, but it is possible to blow up a tripmine by your teammate EVEN when command for landmines is enabled (when teammates can NOT blow up your landmines they can blow up your tripmines).
I hope you understand me right :) |
24 | g_inactivityOptions + Inactivity (shrubbot flag) | Linux | Server | Vadim | Very Low | Closed | 2010-12-23 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0 Final
* Map : -
* Omni-Bot running : -
* Gametype : -
* Custom mapscripts : -
* LUA modules : -
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the bug occurs :
Having g_inactivityOptions enabled.. wearing the Inactivity Shrubbot flag, which means the player can't be put to spec/kicked by g_inactivity, g_spectatorInactivity and g_inactivityOptions.
But i still see the notification (30 Seconds until moving to Spectators for Inactivity) |
23 | Take Objective without blowing safe-door | All / Undefined | Server | Isthisreally | High | Closed | 2012-04-06 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : warmup, industy2
* Omni-Bot running : no
* Gametype : mapvote
* Custom mapscripts : none
* LUA modules : none
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission :
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens :
On both maps, teams have to destroy the safe to get access to the objective-documents. Normally.
But it is possible to pick up objectives without blowing the safe door. |
22 | Leaning Bomb Bug | Linux | Client | Vadim | Medium | Closed | 2010-11-08 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0 final
* Map : all
* Omni-Bot running : Yes. 0.8
* Gametype : Map Voting
* Custom mapscripts : -
* LUA modules : -
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing
When shooting while leaning is enabled. g_weapons 256.
You can lean while timing bomb.
If you want to throw it while leaning, it stucks.
You basically can't switch weapons and the bomb stays in the hand.
If you get killed, it explodes right after it. |
21 | panza cam dosent disapper | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2011-11-07 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
The picture tell everything, nq had the same problem |
20 | Multi announcers | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-10-25 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
If you kill 6 players you will all the mk3-5 files instead of the only one mk5 wav. |
19 | panza bug | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-11-11 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
I choise at warmup panza. its in my hand when the match start first time i spawn with thomson. Need select again the panza in the limbo. |
18 | No autoswitch when your weapon empty | All / Undefined | Server | Kovacs Daniel | Medium | Closed | 2010-10-25 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
No autoswitch when your weapon empty. You shot with your Thomson/MP40 ammo out and the weapon dosent swith auto to the secondary weapon.
(And yes in the ESC->Options->Game menu is setted to "yes" the autoswitch option) |
17 | !banlist missing | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Medium | Closed | 2010-10-25 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
as admin i should have all (72) cmds.
I banned a guy but wanted unbanning.
But i dont have the !banlist to search on the list that what is the name/number of the banned guy |
16 | Shuffle at warmup - bug | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-11-08 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : all at the beginning (warmup) but maybe need to test out ingame too
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 6
You are spectator
At the warmup time admin shuffle
The spactators are also placed in the teams! :) |
15 | g_msgpos "1" doesn't work | Linux | Server | None | Low | Closed | 2010-10-21 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : all
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 2
* Custom mapscripts : battery.script, oasis.script, radar.script, railgun.script, fueldump.script, goldrush.script
* LUA modules : rules.lua, dynamite_counter.lua
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Loading
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens : nope
set g_msgpos "1"
Doesn't work, I've tried pretty much everything.
When I change g_msgpos to 2 then everything works fine, the messages appear at the top of the screen, with 1 nothing happens. |
14 | /team <parameter> - No control + No secondary weapon | Windows | Client | None | Low | Closed | 2010-11-05 |
Task Description
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : all
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 2
* Custom mapscripts : battery.script, oasis.script, radar.script, railgun.script, fueldump.script, goldrush.script
* LUA modules : rules.lua, dynamite_counter.lua
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Loading
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens : nope
There doesn't seem to be a control on the /team command
I join my server the teams are like this:
allies 8 players
axis 7 players
I type /team haha
it puts me in axis team (that's ok)
But you spawn as soldier without a secondary weapon.
I don't know what happens when the teams are balanced. |
13 | server_motd0 "" breaks MOTD | Linux | Server | None | Very Low | Closed | 2010-10-21 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : all
* Omni-Bot running : 0.8
* Gametype : 2
* Custom mapscripts : battery.script, oasis.script, radar.script, railgun.script, fueldump.script, goldrush.script
* LUA modules : rules.lua, dynamite_counter.lua
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Loading
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens : nope
If you put this:
set server_motd0 ""
In the server.cfg or nitmod.cfg then the whole motd is not shown (like it's empty) |
12 | Private message with rcon | All / Undefined | Client | Dit | Low | Closed | 2010-10-11 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map :
* Omni-Bot running :
* Gametype : Vote
* Custom mapscripts :
* LUA modules :
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission :
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens :
command: "/rcon rconpw m playername blablabla" has no effect. |
11 | spawn bug | All / Undefined | Client | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-10-21 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
well, sometimes, when i fresh joined to the server or from spectator status i joining the game i can spawn before the respawntimer count down to 0.
F.E. the resapwn time is 20 sec, 12 sec remain, i join and i spawn imamdietly. When i die i spawn normal, when the timer count down to 0. |
10 | ammo pack image bug-2 | All / Undefined | Server | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-10-11 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
sry i modifi my preivus report with the ammo pack bug:
well, it work fine unitil level 4, but when you reach the level 5 skill as fieldops you see again the standard ammopack (
at the beginning you see
with higher skill you see
but with level 5 - again
models\multiplayer\supplies\ammobox.tga |
9 | Rcon Unlimited | Linux | Server | Gavrila | Low | Closed | 2013-11-09 |
Task Description
does not appear that all commands can be solved
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Gametype : campaign
* LUA modules : dynamite_counter.lua rules.lua rspree.lua
http://www.parazit.ro/rcon.jpg |
8 | Rifle grenade bug | All / Undefined | Server | youraunty | High | Closed | 2013-11-09 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : every
* Omni-Bot running :0.8
* Gametype : map voting
* Custom mapscripts : none
* LUA modules : none
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : 10 seconds
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens :
reported this bug to you last time after 1.6 developed, you must of overlooked it or just forgot:)
when you try to load a rifle grenade ( happens all the time on allies) it just keeps reloading itself..sometimes 2 or 3 times before you can fire...very annoying when your trying to pop a rifle nade off at the enemy, this happens to all my cleints with 1.6 and 2.0 so must be a bug with nitmod cheers |
7 | Misc Deathmatch glitches | All / Undefined | Client | Ravi | Medium | New | 2015-01-04 |
Task Description
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : All
* Omni-Bot running : Yes
* Gametype : 8
* Custom mapscripts : Deathmatch scripts
* LUA modules : N/A
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing
I have posted a bunch of bugs together because I didn't see the need for a new topic. Here they are:
1.After killing someone, player health is increased by 20, or set to 112 if it would otherwise exceed this value. However, the max health for medics is 125. Everytime they kill someone with full health, they lose 10 health.
2.There is also a glitch with weapon drops. If a player is killed after picking any primary weapon and an mp40 is in their inventory, they will drop an mp40.
3.Player health does not increase after killing someone if they have killed that person with poison. |
6 | Deathmatch glitches: Player team issues | All / Undefined | Client | Ravi | High | Closed | 2010-11-11 |
Task Description
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : All
* Omni-Bot running : Yes
* Gametype : 8
* Custom mapscripts : Deathmatch scripts
* LUA modules : N/A
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Playing
During any deathmatch mode, there are several bugs related to team. While the scoreboard correctly reports players kills, the drop down statistics bar for the player does not. It is also impossible to goomba players "on your team" while certain goomba flags are set. |
5 | Incognito Bug. (!Listplayers) | Linux | Client | Vadim | High | Closed | 2012-01-24 |
Task Description
N!tmod Verison: 2.0 Final
Bug description: Incognito Bug. - An Admins level can be seen by !Listplayers even he got the incognito flag.
level = 999
name = ^0Server God
flags = incognito all
greeting =
greeting_sound =
(/!readconfig was done after it was added in shrubbot.cfg - no affect, the incognito flag gets removed sometimes, so only the all flag reminds)
As you can see, all flag is included, incognito flag isn't.
Even though it got added in the shrubbot.cfg and a !readconfig was made. |
4 | primary-secondary button bug at soldier class | Windows | Server | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-10-10 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
Description: due the dual smg limitatin, if i choise a soldier with mp40 or thompson i can carry only one weapon, the secondary dosent accesible. But if i want to swith to the weapon with button i have to press button "2" intsead of "3"
The standard bind for the main weapon is button "3".
The standard bind for the secondary weapon is button "2".
With other class the buttons working fine.
Would be great if here also again the button "3" would be the button for the main weapon. |
3 | ammo pack image bug | Windows | Server | Kovacs Daniel | Low | Closed | 2010-10-10 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Description: at "Signals Level 1: Improved Resources" you drop ammopack which contain an extra clip. Normally the iamge changeing also from "models\multiplayer\supplies\ammobox.tga" to "models\multiplayer\supplies\ammobox_2.tga"
But here the image dosent changing. |
2 | Tank MG | Linux | Server | Christian | Low | Closed | 2010-09-28 |
Task Description
! Please specify the bug type in the summary !
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : all
* Omni-Bot running : yes
* Gametype : OBJ
* Custom mapscripts :any
* LUA modules : Dyna ,rspree
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission :
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens :
Hi all
I have 2 Nitmod Server
and i Have quad core 8GB ram at my root
when player shoot from tank MG server do big laggy
i dont know why |
1 | Sample Bug Report - Crash on Baserace | All / Undefined | Server | Sample User | Critical | Closed | 2014-11-04 |
Task Description
* *
* This is a sample Bug report. *
* We have created it for you to see *
* how to correctly report bugs in our tracker *
* *
* NOTE: *
* This bug exits for real, and has been *
* fixed for N!tmod next version (2.1) *
* *
* N!tmod version : 2.0
* Map : baserace
* Omni-Bot running : Yes
* Gametype : 2
* Custom mapscripts : none
* LUA modules : none
* Warmup/Playing/Intermission : Warmup & Intermission
* Have you noticed anything else that could help us, for exemple, is there anything special supposed to happen in the map when the crash happens :
Happens when a player walks on a landmine that has been planted by the map. |