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is there any list for client cvars that have been added or changed in nitmod? Somthing like this for NQ
So far I only found server setup documentations
Read before asking ..
Huh? Either I am blind or you didn't get wat I was trying to ask
Of course I searched and found that list you linked - but scrolling it through, those are only serverside cvars.
I meant a list for client side commands like cg_Muzzleflash, HUD altering etc. - the stuff that you can also change ingame via esc menu --> N!tmod.
It's just a bit troublesome to pick out all the different mod specific values, like in one mod alternate fire is called "attack2", in the next one "weapalt"
So that's why I wondered if there is a list for those cvars/settings/controls somewhere
+attack2 is needed for throwing knife
All mods , except etpub and etpro, use it as a replacement for +weapalt
yes I know, attack2 was just an example ^^
And I also know cvarlist, though right now I connect to nitmod, go to esc-->Nitmod and see oh cool - I can configure how the HUD looks like: border colour, fps/clock, whatever
So in order to add those to a config file I need to know the cvar name --> Open console --> Let's try probably cg_, then search for it in the cvarlist
Though some cvars have really weird names that are hard to guess, and not easy to find between hundreds of cvar entries
That's why I simply wanted to know if there is a list for those client commands + explanation like there is for serverside settings ^^
hmm maybe you mean this?
That's etmain/etpro cvars, I was asking about nitmod changes...
see the changelog to get more info about client vars.
Not that neatly arranged but once I've got some spare time I'll read it through... maybe
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