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To install N!tmod 2.2 on your server, download it from
Installing/Updating N!tmod 2.2
New install:
- Unzip nitmod_2.2*.zip inside your server root (near ETDED.exe/etded.x86), this will create a "nitmod" folder.
Updating an old N!tmod installation:
- Replace existing '' (linux) or 'qagame_mp_x86.dll' (windows) by the one present in the package.
- Delete older 'nitmod_*.pk3' files and add the latest .pk3 file present in the package.
SQLite Database
Since N!tmod 2.2, a SQLite database is required to save users levels, XP, Map records, Bans, Mutes, and Mails (if 'n_userMail' cvar is set to '1')
Note: It is possible to use the same database for multiple servers, as long as every server has read & write permissions on the file.
You must set 'n_DBSync' cvar to '1' (on every server using that database) to make sure the database is always up to date.
'n_SQLiteDBPath' value must be the FULL PATH to the '.sqlite' database that will be created (or to an existing '.sqlite' database)
The file name with the '.sqlite' extension MUST be included or the mod will NOT load the database!
Some admins have been experiencing problems while trying to set 'n_SQLiteDBPath' cvar. Let's explain...
For server hosted by
set n_SQLiteDBPath "/gsadmin/var/game_servers/SERVERIP-PORT/nitmod/DATABASENAME.sqlite"
For exemple, if your server is hosted on IP on port 27960, and you want to name your database "nitmod.sqlite":
set n_SQLiteDBPath "/gsadmin/var/game_servers/"
Other exemples:
Server installed in "C:/ET_SERVER/nitmod/" and you want to name your database "nitmod_db.sqlite":
n_SQLiteDBPath "C:/ET_SERVER/nitmod/nitmod_db.sqlite"
Setting up Admin levels
With N!tmod 2.2, admins levels are no longer stored in a "shrubbot.cfg" file. The 'g_shrubbot' cvar has also been deleted, you can now remove it from your server config in total safety.
Admin levels are now stored in a file named 'levels.db'.
This file has to be located in the 'nitmod' folder of your server.
Its structure is a little different than the old 'shrubbot.cfg' file.
Do not panic, .db files are simple .txt files with a different extension. You can edit them with a simple text editor.
DO NOT copy & paste level entries from your old 'shrubbot.cfg' file, it will NOT work!
Here's 'levels.db' structure:
********** //Delimiter (10 stars "*") Must IMPERATIVELY be placed BEFORE every level.
level = //Level Number
name = //Level Name
flags = //Flags
gtext = //Optional Greeting Text (user's greeting text overrides this value)
gsound = //Optional Greeting Sound (user's greeting sound overrides this value)
Exemple :
level = 0
name = Guest
flags = time listplayers records help gibme admintest news uptime about
gtext = Welcome to the guest [n] !
gsound =
level = 1
name = Server Moderator
flags = time listplayers records help gibme admintest spec999 news pip pop pants uptime about stats put ban banguid
gtext = Welcome to the administrator [n]
gsound =
level = 2
name = Server Master
flags = all
gtext = Welcome to the master : [n] !
gsound =
This file can be edited while playing (or using rcon) with !levedit, !levadd and !levdelete commands.
The file will automaticly be saved if you use one of the above commands to modify/add/delete levels.
If you edit this file manually while the server is running, use !readconfig command to apply changes.
It is automaticly loaded on map change and match start.
You can use !levlist and !levinfo commands to display informations about existing levels.
Setting up Custom commands
Just like admins levels, custom commands are no longer stored in a "shrubbot.cfg" file.
Custom commands are now stored in a file named 'commands.db'.
This file has to be located in the 'nitmod' folder of your server.
Once again, its structure is a little different than the old 'shrubbot.cfg' file.
DO NOT copy & paste custom commands from your old 'shrubbot.cfg' file, it will NOT work!
Here's 'commands.db' structure:
********** //Delimiter (10 stars "*") Must IMPERATIVELY be placed BEFORE every command.
name = //Command name (ex: "test")
exec = //Command sent to server (ex: chat "^3Test command")
desc = //Text displayed in !help cmdname (ex: "Test command")
levels = //Levels having access to this command, delimited by spaces (ex: 0 1 2)
name = minbots
exec = bot minbots [1]
desc = Sets the minimum number of bots on the server
levels = 1 2
name = maxbots
exec = bot maxbots [1]
desc = Sets the maximum number of bots on the server
levels = 1 2
If you edit this file manually while the server is running, use !readconfig command to apply changes.
It is automaticly loaded on map change and match start.
Setting up Custom votes
Server admins can now create custom votes on their server.
These votes don't take any arguments.
The specified command will be executed if the vote passes.
Nothing happens if the vote fails.
Custom votes are stored a file named 'votes.db'.
This file has to be located in the 'nitmod' folder of your server.
Here's 'votes.db' structure:
********** //Delimiter (10 stars "*") Must IMPERATIVELY be placed BEFORE every vote.
name = //Vote name (ex: "splata" >> /callvote splata)
cmd = //Command sent to the server if the vote passes (ex: !splata)
message = //Message displayed on players screens when the vote is called.
help = //Vote help message, displayed when using /callvote votename ? (unavailable in 2.2b1 and 2.2b2)
name = panzerwaron
message = ^1Enable Panzerwar?
help = Enable Panzerwar
cmd = !panzerwar 1
name = panzerwaroff
message = ^1Disable Panzerwar?
help = Disable Panzerwar
cmd = !panzerwar 0
name = splata
help = Splat (instagib) all players.
cmd = Splata
message = Splat (instagib) all players?
To use these votes, type '/callvote votename' in your console, replace "votename" by the custom vote name. Ex : '/callvote splata'.
If you edit this file manually while the server is running, use !readconfig command to apply changes.
It is automaticly loaded on map change and match start.
Config changes
New cvars:
Absolute path to the SQLite database file.
Must include filename (ex: C:\nitmod.sqlite) !!
Database file will automaticly be created.
Admin System, XPSave, Mails and Map Records will be unavailable if this cvar is not or not correctly set or if something went wrong while opening the file.
Errors will be printed in the server console and written to logs (if logging is enabled). This can help us solving your problems.
0: Latched SQLite queries. Only sent when using !dbsave or when map end/restarts.
1 : Real time SQLite queries, to allow multiple servers using the same database.
0 : Disable N!tmod mail system.
1 : Enable N!tmod mail system.
Deleted cvars:
Commands changes
New commands:
Deletes an user from the server database.
Database will be automaticly saved and reloaded when used.
Deletes a level
"levels.db" will be automaticly saved and reloaded when used
Adds a level "levels.db" will be automaticly saved and reloaded when used.
Levels order in !levlist and inside the "levels.db" file may be incorrect, but will not cause any problems
N!tmod mail system commands:
Following commands requires "n_userMail" to be set to 1 on the server, and a valid SQLite database!
Register on the server.
This command will link an username and a password to your NGUID on the server.
Login to your account to use N!tmod mail system.
NOTE: If the login doesn't match the NGUID it is linked to, login will fail.
Display user's inbox.
Requires user to be registered and logged in to his account.
Delete mail by ID.
Use '/mails' to find the correct mail ID.
Sends a mail to another user on the server using his login.
Ex: '/mailto admin1 Hi, we found a cheater last night but you were no here, his name was *cheatername*.'.
Known Bugs
Here is a list of known bugs in N!tmod 2.2 beta 2. We are working to fix them, and some have already been fixed for future release.
- Server crash if 'n_SQLiteDBPath' is not set correctly. Make sure this cvar is set correctly or the mod will not run! Fixed for next release
- '!help' commands count is wrong, sometimes custom commands are not displayed. '/rcon !help' may also crash the server... Fixed for next release
- Compass position changes depending on your game resolution. Working on it
- Players lose their admin level and userlist is emptied when using '!readconfig'. However the database isn't modified and all users/levels will be restorted on map_restart. Do not use '!readconfig' !! Fixed for next release
- N!tmod 2.2 is NO LONGER compatible with ET 2.55! Use ET 2.60 minimum (ET 2.55+ still works, but clients imperatively need ET 2.60/b/d or lot of features will break and game will sometimes crash!) We don't know if we are going to fix this, actually i would like to drop ET 2.55 support...
- If you are missing some models, skins, shaders or sounds, open your console and type /#1'. Server will send you some data and problems will be fixed. Working on it
Download sample configs
Many people requested sample .db configs to start with.
I created 3 sample .db files using the examples seen in this tutorial.
To download, Right click > Save as...
I hope this tutorial has been helpful. Enjoy using 2.2, and don't forget to report any bugs you find (except those that are already listed above...)
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