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So I've added a custom command for the bots to kick them all out of the server whenever it is necessary to do so. Now I am not sure where I am going wrong here though whenever I tried testing the command it doesn't seem to work as all the console is giving me is "Unknown command kickallbots"...
I have asked others whom has this command in their Nitmod commands.db and they say it works, so where am I going wrong?
Could someone please help?
Also, maxbots is set to 0.
Is your admin level allowed to use this command ?
Also, make sure it's not caused by this bug: … task_id=47
Yeah I have correctly set it so that my level can use the command and yet it still doesn't work.
But taken a look at that on the bug tracker now I can say its a similar issue but my level is 9 and not 1000...
I have figured out where I have gone wrong.
In the N!tmod 2.0 manual I had copied the custom commands from that and used them in the commands.db and since they had not worked so, checking once again on the 2.0 manual and the 2.2 manual since my server is in fact running 2.2 I have noticed a difference in the format.
In 2.0 its as follows:
command = name
exec =
desc =
levels =
And in 2.2 its like this:
name = command
exec =
desc =
levels =
So changing them around and saving, loading the .db via console and testing it worked.
But, now I'm having another problem. Re-adding bots into the server...
!Maxbots doesn't seem to work unless I need to be in the server to do it?
Figured out the problem, after looking at the kickallbots command I noticed it was like this: bot minbots 0; maxbots 0; bot kickall
And with Maxbot/Min bot its bot maxbots [12] or bot minbots [0] so I removed the [] and tested and it works fine now
Last edited by Megadeth (04-Dec-12 12:52:01)
I was about to ask you to post your commands.db and then i realised you resolved it yourself ^^
Yeah, had a hunch that what was there was the wrong setup or format for the mod lol and so I had fixed it
Was wondering though, if I were to make a custom command for say !afk or !coffee
Then would it be something like this?
name = afk
exec = putteam [n] spec; say ^3I'm going away from keyboard
desc = Puts you into spec
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
name = coffee
exec = putteam [n] spec; say ^3Time for some coffee, brb!
desc = Puts you spec
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Commands are "sent" to server console so the "say" will not work or will probably not be printed "in name of" the current player.
The rest seems fine, give it a try, just in case
Have tried them out but for some reason it doesn't move me to spec whenever I enter the command, the say part works but it's just the console saying the "say" part.
Haven't tried them yet without say so I'll give them a try later.
N!tmod doesn't use !putteam, it uses !put
Oh right, well I have sorted that out now and it works fine
Pages: 1