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Hi all, really nice to see so you working on my idea again :-). If N!tmod will have functionally anticheat, trust me so this mod will more popular.
I can say only good joob mate :-)))).
what about a Anticheat logo for Trackase or even for the Connect Screen ?
its only a Idea
This one i made in 10 min . I would be happy if anyone have ideas . Send me a pm or get me on xfire ( wildehilde1979 )
Last edited by J@cka$$ (09-Nov-12 00:04:56)
The cvar scanner is not going to force any cvars, and this is totally different and not related in any way to the forcecvar and sv_cvar features.
It will make sure clients don't have illegal cvar values and kick players in case of violation, just like Punkbuster did.
I understand that very well. My point is, ..why do you wanna copy PB - something wich will kick the players, instead of forceing players settings ?
I understand that very well. My point is, ..why do you wanna copy PB - something wich will kick the players, instead of forceing players settings ?
This is not just about scanning cvars and kicking players.
Of course you can still use forcecvar and sv_cvar, but using NxAC Cvar Scanner is an extra protection, it will also let you know if some players are trying to use bad cvar values, instead of simply forcing them to the correct values.
It will also let you scan client cvars to make sure they are not using any hacks cvars, something that can't be done with forcecvar/sv_cvar.
I admit that these two features can seem very similar but they don't have the same purpose.
Some admins certainly prefer knowing when a player tries to use cvar/values that could give them a fairly big advantage over other players instead of simply forcing their cvars to correct values.
but NxAC is not only about scanning cvars, it is also able to check client binaries to make sure they are not using self-compiled ET version with tons of modified things (a simple "wallhack" can be added into ET client binary with a few lines of code and you would never notice because nothing can check them now)
And in the future, it might also be able to scan client game folder to find cheat/corrupted files, just like PB did.
The goal is to have a built-in alternative to PB, because PB support for ET was dropped a while ago and if players want to use some "clean" updated ET client (ET:Legacy, ETXreal, etc...), they can't play on PB protected servers because PB support is not included in ET-GPL source code.
what about a Anticheat logo for Trackase or even for the Connect Screen ?
its only a Idea
This one i made in 10 min
. I would be happy if anyone have ideas . Send me a pm or get me on xfire ( wildehilde1979 )
This logo is very nice, and it inspired me for something similar but with some little modifications
I'm not sure Trackbase/Splatterladder will ever consider NxAC as a reliable cheat protection but who knows...
NxAC logo is definitely something we will need anyway
No Problem i have the psd file saved so i can modify ^^
send to modifictions to me or whats your idea
i have the programms for it.
Next year i will get so 3D Programms and my collection is finished
Last edited by J@cka$$ (09-Nov-12 09:03:48)
Nice logo :-), how it going N!trox?
we added some more cvars
nc_aim NULL
nc_wall NULL
nc_esp NULL
nc_espfade NULL
nc_aim NULL
nc_aimheight NULL
nc_aimkey NULL
nc_fov NULL
nc_shoot NULL
You could add this with ncv_ too (cracked etbot).
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