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I'd like to add some fun commands like !wd
say"^0__ __ ^1____ ^7 _ "
say"^0\ \ / /^1| _ \ ^7___ __ __ _ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ | |"
say"^0 \ \ /\ / / ^1| | | | ^7/ _ \\ \ /\ / /| '_ \ / __| | | | | / _ \ | | | || |"
say"^0 \ V V / ^1| |_| | ^7| ^7(_) |\ V V / | | | |\__ \ | |_| || (_) || |_| ||_|"
say"^0 \_/\_/ ^1|____/ ^7 \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_||___/ \__, | \___/ \__,_|(_)"
say"^0 ^7|___/ "
But how to add that to shrubbot? I think I have to change that say to qsay but afer I do !readconfig I got much parse errors. What's wrong?
You just have to add a custom command in the shrubbot :
command = wd
exec = wdcmd
desc = Spacial command
levels = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and just put the text in the cfg named wdcmd.cfg
read the documentation or post an other message if you have a problem : )
Oh thanks, forgot about that solution.
exec = wdcmd
the "exec = " means the specified command will be sent to the server (and you could get an error similar to this : "Unknown command : wdcmd")
You have to write the whole rcon command that has to be sent when the !cmd is used.
So it should look like this :
exec = exec wdcmd.cfg
- the ".cfg" is factultative.
- replace wdcmd by the name of your cfg
- if you need any help with rcon command (say, qsay, playsound, bp, cpm, cp, echo...) just ask me
Seee yaaaa
Since you shared one of your configs JereManU, I'll share one of my configs as well. You will need to create two separate config files.
tdmoff.cfg (Disable TDM Game Mode)
cp ^1**^7TDM has ^5ENDED!
chat ^1****************^2LAST ROUND^1*****************
chat ^1**********^3May the best team win!^1***********
chat ^1*******************^2END^1*********************
playsound sound/misc/referee.wav
set g_gametype "2"
tdmon.cfg (Enable TDM Game Mode)
cp ^1**^7TDM has been ^5UNLOCKED!
chat ^1***********^2TEAM DEATHMATCH RULE^1************
chat ^1*******^3Team that reaches 500 points^1********
chat ^1******^3or has the most points by the^1********
chat ^1******^3end of the round wins the map.^1*******
chat ^1***********^3Earn 100 points for^1*************
chat ^1**********^3completing objective!^1************
playsound sound/misc/referee.wav
set g_gametype "7"
command = tdmoff
exec = exec tdmoff.cfg
desc = Disable Team Deathmatch gamemode.
levels = 7 8
command = tdmon
exec = exec tdmon.cfg
desc = Enable Team Deathmatch gamemode.
levels = 7 8
This is how it looks in shrubbot.cfg. Keep in mind, when you use the command "!tdmoff", TDM will not end until the next map is loaded or if you issue the shrubbot command "!restart".
Thanks blink I don't have examples because I don't have server ^^
Pages: 1