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Okay, I know this isn't fully released yet though I'm to start a server pretty soon and have just tried testing the latest Nitmod on a home based test server. When I start the server I get a message in the console saying that the admin system is disabled so I was wondering how I'd be able to enable this if I decide to use Nitmod on my server?
This cvar must be set correctly for the admin system to work: n_SQLiteDBPath
This installation tutorial will probably help you:
I have done that but the admin system still doesn't work. I try using !help in the console to bring up all of the commands but nothing happens, none of the commands are working at all.
The absolute path to the sqlite db must be wrong then, do you still get the error message when server starts ?
The path is correct so I'm not sure what is going on and looking in the log I do not see any error messages. Now if I were to use one of the older versions the admin system would be working as normal but not in this release - 772.
As far as i remember, in older versions, it was not possible to disable admin system because the cvar was set automaticly if no file was found.
Are you 100% sure you are using the absolute path ? Including filename and extension ?
I am positive, the admin system remains disabled so I cannot use any commands what so ever.
Last edited by Reaper (23-Oct-13 15:31:25)
Even in server console (rcon) ?
The only reasons why admin system would not work are:
- Invalid n_SQLiteDBPath value
- Permission problem (server can't read the file)
- Locked SQLite database (can happen if multiple processes read/write the file)
However, all of these issues would immediately write an error or warning message in the server logs.
Try any !cmd in rcon, and if it doesn't work, snd me a part of your logs (when map starts).
I hope we can figure this out soon.
It doesn't matter now, I've set the mod to 2.2 final.
I am however having another problem which is with the custom commands, the server doesn't seem to load them for whatever reason.
If a cmd is not loaded, it's printed in the logs
And downgrading to 2.2 will still give you the same issues when you will update to 2.2.1 because no further changes are planned before final 2.2.1 release.
EDIT: no further changes in the admin system, i mean...
Well, the admin system works fine with 2.2 final. I'll check the logs now to see why the custom commands aren't being loaded.
Sorry for the double post, have checked the logs and there doesn't seem to be anything mentioned in either of the admin/console logs and I've just done !readconfig in the server now and all 4 of the custom commands have been loaded but for whatever reason they aren't being executed when I do say !kickbots or !minbots.
Here are the commands I have:
command = minbots
exec = bot minbots [0]
desc = Sets the minimum number of bots on the server
levels = 6 7 8 9 10
command = maxbots
exec = bot maxbots [12]
desc = Sets the maximum number of bots on the server
levels = 6 7 8 9 10
command = afk
exec = put [n] s
desc = Puts you into spec if you are away from keyboard
levels = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
command = kickbots
exec = bot minbots 0; bot maxbots 0; bot kickall
desc = Cleans server from bots.
levels = 6 7 8 9 10
This is the sample of file structure :
You're using command =, instead of name =
This is probably the reason, and it could be a bug cuz the mod should not load the cmd if the syntax is invalid.
Ahh go figure! Edited the commands.db and loaded it to test out the commands and they are all working now, thanks
Sorry for the double post again. Have tried 772 once more though once again there is a problem with the admin system, even with the sql path set.
Here is the server.cfg
// | | | | | | | |.-----.| |__|.-----.-----. //
// \ /| ---| | | - || || | || | -__| //
// |___| |______|__|____| |_______||__|__||__|__||__|__|_____| //
// Server Provided By:: YCN-Hosting, Contact: Evgeny //
//=========================Server Passwords======================//
set g_password "" // set to password protect the server
set sv_privateclients "0" // if set > 0, then this number of client slots will be reserved for connections
set sv_privatepassword "" // that have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
set rconpassword "*****" // remote console access password
set refereePassword "******" // referee status password
//=============================DL, RATE==========================//
set sv_maxRate "25000" // 10000 standard but poor for ET
set sv_dl_maxRate "2048000" // increase/decerease if you have plenty/little spare bandwidth
set sv_allowDownload "1" // global toggle for both legacy download and web download
set sv_wwwDownload "1" // toggle to enable web download
set sv_wwwBaseURL " … .126-27010" // base URL for redirection
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" // tell clients to perform their downloads while disconnected from the server
set sv_wwwFallbackURL "" // URL to send to if an http/ftp fails or is refused client side
set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""
set sv_master5 ""
//=============================MOD, ECT==========================//
set sv_hostname "^2>>^7VNM^2|^7Recruiting ^2XPS" // name of server here
set server_motd0 "^7Venom^2-^7Gaming" // message in right corner of join screen here
set server_motd1 "^7Management ^2- ^7Reaper"
set server_motd2 "^1Bots or hacks = Perm ban"
set server_motd3 "^7We are recruiting^2!"
set server_motd4 "^7vnmet^2.^7ycn^2-^7hosting^2.^7com"
set g_realHead "0" //Toggle ETPro realhead hitbox
set g_realBody "0" //Toogle N!tmod realbody hitbox (see documentation)
//=============================MISSILES RELATED CVARS==========================//
set g_missileGravity "0"
set g_missileSpeed "0"
set g_missileHealth "5"
set g_rockets "2"
set g_missileCams "0" //Since 1.4 - Panzer, mortar and rifle grenade cameras - See documentation
// These settings are set by control panel
//set omnibot_enable "1"
//set omnibot_flags "65542"
//set omnibot_path ""
//=============================MAP VOTING CVARS==========================//
//Only valid if gametype = 6
set g_maxMapsVotedFor "6"
set g_minMapAge "3"
set g_mapVoteFlags "0"
set g_excludedMaps ""
set g_resetXPMapCount "0"
set g_XPSave "15"
set g_XPDecay "0"
set g_XPDecayRate "0"
set g_XPDecayFloor "0"
set g_maxXP "9000000"
set g_XPSaveMaxAge "86400
set g_XPSaveDirectory "nitmod/xpsave"
set g_logConnections "connections.log"
set g_logAdmin "admin.log"
set g_log "console.log"
set g_logSync "0"
set g_logCrash "crash.log"
set n_SQLiteLogs "1"
//=============================WEAPONS RESTRICTIONS==========================//
set team_maxMortars "-1"
set team_maxRifleGrenades "-1"
set team_maxMG42 "-1"
set team_maxFlamers "-1"
set team_maxLandmines "10"
set team_airstrikeTime "10"
set team_artyTime "10"
set team_panzerRestriction "0"
set g_medicChargeTime "45000"
set g_engineerChargeTime "30000"
set g_LTChargeTime "40000"
set g_soldierChargeTime "20000"
set g_covertopsChargeTime "30000"
//=============================SKILL CVARS==========================//
set skill_soldier "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_medic "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_engineer "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_fieldops "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_covertops "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_battlesense "20 50 90 140 200"
set skill_lightweapons "20 50 90 140 200"
set g_maxLevelBattleSense "6"
set g_maxLevelLightWeapons "6"
set g_maxLevelSoldier "6"
set g_maxLevelMedic "6"
set g_maxLevelEngineer "6"
set g_maxLevelFieldOp "6"
set g_maxLevelCovertOp "6"
//=============================VOTE CVARS==========================//
set vote_limit "3"
set vote_percent "66"
set vote_allow_antilag "1"
set vote_allow_balancedteams "1"
set vote_allow_comp "1"
set vote_allow_friendlyfire "1"
set vote_allow_gametype "1"
set vote_allow_kick "1"
set vote_allow_map "1"
set vote_allow_maprestart "1"
set vote_allow_matchreset "1"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
set vote_allow_muting "1"
set vote_allow_nextcampaign "1"
set vote_allow_nextmap "1"
set vote_allow_poll "1"
set vote_allow_pub "1"
set vote_allow_referee "0"
set vote_allow_restartcampaign "1"
set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp "1"
set vote_allow_shuffleteamsxp_norestart "1"
set vote_allow_surrender "1"
set vote_allow_swapteams "1"
set vote_allow_timelimit "0"
set vote_allow_warmupdamage "1"
set vote_allow_swapteamsrestart "1"
set lua_modules ""
//=============================WEAPONS RELATED CVARS==========================//
set g_damageWeapons "0"
set g_weaponItems "60"
set g_asblock "1"
set g_noCharge "0" //Disable Charge usage
set g_noReload "0" //No need to reload, clips are automatically filled
set g_pickAnyWeapon "0" //Can pick any weapons on the ground
set g_weapons "62463" //Since 1.4 - 128 by default = enable MP5
set g_adrenClasses "2"
set g_adrenaline "0"
set g_poison "0"
set g_canisterKick "0"
set g_canisterKickOwner "0"
set g_goomba "10"
set g_goombaFlags "25"
set g_dualsmg "1"
//=============================MISC CVARS==========================//
set g_gametype "2"
set g_antiWarp "1"
set g_TDMScore "500"
set g_autoTempBan "0"
set g_autoTempBanTime "1800"
set g_censorPenalty "0"
set g_censorMuteTime "60"
set g_defaultMute "3600"
set g_countryflags "1"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_intermissionTime "60"
set g_intermissionReadyPercent "100"
set g_teamDamageRestriction "0"
set g_minHits "6"
set g_shortcuts "1"
set g_shrubbot "shrubbot.cfg"
set g_spectator "0"
set ip_max_clients "3"
set g_drawAttackerHP "1"
set g_doubleJump "1"
set g_medics "0"
set g_slashKill "1"
set g_ammoCabinetTime "60000"
set g_healthCabinetTime "10000"
set g_dropHealth "5"
set g_dropAmmo "5"
set g_playDead "1"
set g_shove "80"
set g_shoveNoZ "0"
set g_dragCorpse "1"
set g_classChange "1"
set g_privateMessages "1"
set g_teamChangeKills "0"
set g_headshot "0"
set g_instantSpawn "0"
set g_dbDirectory "nitmod/spree"
set g_noAttackInvul ""
set g_floodProtect "1"
set g_flushItems "1"
set g_multikillTime "2000"
set g_announcer "31"
set g_msgs "0"
set g_msgPos "0"
set g_truePing "0"
set g_fear "2000"
set g_campaignFile ""
set g_friendlyFire "0"
set n_SQLiteDBPath "/"
//=============================NEW CVARS N!TMOD 1.4==========================//
set g_revenge "1" //Displays "REVENGE!" on players screen if they kill their last killer
set g_autoQuitDelay "0" //Delay in MINUTES before server auto shutdown. 0 = disabled. Server won't shut down if not empty.
set g_war "0" //Panzerwar OR Sniperwar - See documentation
//==========================SERVER INFO=======================//
sets "Admin" ""
sets "Contact" ""
sets "Provider" ""
sets "Location" "England"
//===========================MAP ROATATION========================//
//exec campaigncycle.cfg // Campaign mode
exec objectivecycle.cfg // Objective mode
//exec lmscycle.cfg // Last Man Standing mode
// in case the game dies with an ERR_DROP
// or any situation leading to server running with no map
//set com_watchdog 10 // defaults 60
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec campaigncycle.cfg" // defaults to quit
That's what i thought, the sqlite path is not valid because it's not the absolute path.
Try: set n_SQLiteDBPath "/gsadmin/var/game_servers/"
Oh right, well maybe something like that could be mentioned in the installation tutorial? I know it may not be the same as everyone else's servers though I'm thinking something like that could be put in?
Just tried that now and started the server and tested with the !help commands, a list of commands came up so its all working good now.
Oh right, well maybe something like that could be mentioned in the installation tutorial? I know it may not be the same as everyone else's servers though I'm thinking something like that could be put in?
Just tried that now and started the server and tested with the !help commands, a list of commands came up so its all working good now.
That path is different from hoster to hoster. In the manual its saying you need a absolute path, Nitrox told you more then once. Maybe time to learn what an absolute path is!
I remember someone had the same issue a while ago because as far as i remember, YCN doesn't tell clients about the absolute path.
I'm glad that it's finally fixed, maybe i'll add a note for YCN users in the installation tuto.
I think it is all here. Even for
That path is different from hoster to hoster. In the manual its saying you need a absolute path, Nitrox told you more then once. Maybe time to learn what an absolute path is!
Oh I know what an absolute path is however, the thing with YCN is it doesn't make the absolute path clear enough to the server owner or admin. And if you had read my post correctly you'll know that I already said that they are different for each host/provider.